加权平均成绩 = ∑(单课学分*单课成绩)/ 培养计划内的总学分
学年加权平均成绩 = ∑(单课学分*单课成绩)/ 学年内获得的总学分
4.若专业共有7位同学,A、B、C档各2名,D 1名。
Evaluation of Weighted Average Score
I. Weighted average score (According to all the results)
Weighted Average Score=Σ(Course credits*Course Score)/Total credits required by the Development Plan
Note:Total credits refer to the total credits required by the personal Development Plan, including compulsory link. Applicable to cases of all scores (including courses and compulsory link) already exist.
II. Weighted average score for the academic year
Weighted Average Score for the Academic Year=Σ(Course credits*Course Score)/Total course credits within the academic year
Note: Only courses taken within the academic year are included in the calculation.
III. Other business about calculation
1.For the scores with make-up examination marks, more than 60 points shall be calculated as 60 points, and less than 60 points shall be calculated as the actual score. The delay and retake courses are calculated according to the actual results.
2. If the compulsory link is graded, it needs to be calculated after conversion: excellent =95 points, good =85 points, medium =75 points, pass =65 points.
IV. Evaluation of Weighted Average Score
Students in the same major are ranked by their weighted average scores. Students are classified by their rank into four groups:A,B,C,and D,each accounting for 25%. If the number of students cannot be divided into four groups equally, they will be divided according to the principle of high.
If there are 4 students in the major, one is classified into each group:A,B,C,and D.
If there are 5 students in the major, 2 are in group A, and 1 is in each of groups B,C,and D.
If there are 6 students in the major, 2 are in group A and 2 are in group B, and 1 is in each of groups C and D.
If there are 7 students in the major, 2 are in group A, 2 are in group B, and 2 are in group C, and 1 is in group D.
The Graduate School of
Shanghai Maritime University